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Adipotide is an experimental compound that has been proven to have the potential in diminishing fat cells in animal studies. This experimental peptide has also demonstrated the potential ability to induce rapid weight loss, improve insulin resistance and reduce appetite

Adipotide Peptide, also known as FTPP peptide, fat-targeted proapoptotic peptide, or proapoptotic peptide, has been widely researched, and is considered by scientists to be a proapoptotic peptide that may contribute to cell apoptosis. Adipotide may possibly act as a prohibitin-targeting peptide, and current research is still exploring its potential in this area. Prohibitins are natural proteins considered by scientists to regulate such functions as cell formation, metabolism, and inflammation.


All products listed and provided through Xtremepro are intended for research purposes only. We do not promote the personal use of these products. Products provided by Xtremepro  are not intended for use in food products or as any type of drug. Our products are not intended to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease or medical condition.

Weight 0.800 kg


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